Archive for August 20, 2018



We can’t fight our opioid crisis alone. We need help from countries around the world.


It’s sobering to take in the magnitude: Over 63,600 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016 — more than died in car crashes or of breast cancer; more than were killed in the entire Vietnam War.

And deaths specifically from opioids trafficked from overseas more than doubled from 2015 to 2016. Experts predict that nearly 500,000 Americans could lose their lives to opioids over the next decade.

Bailey Henke, at just 18 years old, became one of the faces behind these terrible statistics when he died of a fentanyl overdose at his home in Grand Forks, North Dakota. His



America stands to lose as China places bets on developing world

It is impossible to ignore the volume of voices crying out about the looming economic threat of China. But while many are focused on the budding trade war, we ignore a key part of the story at our own peril, which is how China’s investments in the developing world are far outpacing our own. China, for years, has dramatically expanded its competitive playing field, and it is certainly playing to win. Just travel to places like Africa or the Americas, and China’s footprint is everywhere.

China watchers point to the “One



What Happens in Central America, Doesn’t Stay in Central America | Opinion

There isn’t a mom or dad in this country who hasn’t struggled with the heartbreaking images of children being separated from their parents at our southern border. Let me be clear—this needs to be fixed. But there is another image that is also haunting me as the struggle for immigration reform continues.

I recently watched an interview with Patricia, a young mother from El Salvador, sitting just on the other side of our southern border holding her 7-year-old son, Yohan. At the time, she knew that as soon as she crossed,




It has become common around holidays to see articles offering advice on how to avoid political conversation when returning home for family gatherings. These articles propose often elaborate ways to change the subject, warning of the distinctly unappetizing effect of venturing into a discussion on current events.

Is this really necessary? Have we gotten to a point where we cannot bring up front page stories for fear of straining – even possibly ruining – long-standing relationships?

The Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago decided to try to answer this